Thursday Evil

Has anyone else noticed a dearth of gay rights and gay marriage talk this election season so far? Does anyone else think maybe the gay rights people are hoping to fly their agenda in under the radar, perhaps pursuant to an understanding--tacit or from a smoke-filled back closet--between gay rights proponents and the Democratic front-runners to keep quiet until after November 2008?

My honest opinion: I think the economy and terrorism are merely occupying more attention, but I also suspect gay rights proponents realize it's better to keep quiet than agitate for attention during the election year.

The evil dwarf! Thieves are robbing long-distance coaches by sneaking dwarves into the luggage holds in sports bags. Once inside, they slip out from their hiding places to rifle through the belongings of unsuspecting travellers. Then they take their loot back to their hiding place and wait to be collected by another gang member when the coach reaches its destination, reports The Sun.

The evil bi-sexual! An man is accused of offering an undercover officer $5 and 90 pills of the painkiller Oxycotin to kill a woman. Robert Macklin, 35, faces one count of first-degree assault or one count of the alternative charge of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder. He was charged Wednesday in Jackson County Circuit Court in Independence. According to court documents, Macklin's roommate called police after he repeatedly asked her to kill the girlfriend of a man with whom he once had a relationship. The roommate said Macklin wanted the girlfriend out of the way so the men could be together.

The Evil Milton Bradley Wannabes! A list of unkind, nasty, or otherwise unpleasant board games. Fascinating stuff, like Ghettopoly (I think the name says it all) and Juden Raus: "Juden raus (jews out) is a hideous and infamous propaganda board game created by the nazis in 1936 and given to as many kids as possible, the object being to take control of jews wearing pointy hats and get them off the board and outside the walled city as quickly as possible by way of a dice throw."

But they forgot Pass-out. In my younger years, I woke up many mornings thinking the game was the devil incarnate.

Bobby Fischer, born Jewish, buried Catholic. But no one seems to know if he actually converted.