New Groeschel Book

My son Alex bought me a Benedict Groeschel book for Christmas: Spiritual Passages: The Psychology of Spiritual Development. I've only read the first twenty pages, but so far it has all the markings of an Eric Classic, which I define as a book uniquely situated for my situation: The subject matter interests me greatly and it hits the topic from an angle that is new to me, yet in a matter that is highly accessible to my level of learning. It provides a rush of new information or new frameworks with which to approach the subject matter, but it's not written light years ahead of my understanding. So far, it's a fast and easy read, but I'm constantly putting it down to think about what Groschel has written, so I suspect it'll take me a month to get through it. Oh well, I hear the book is considered a classic in its field (first published in 1983), so there's no reason to rush through it anymore than a person would rush through a bottle of fine wine.