Monday Miscellany
Planned Parenthood constantly sets the free sex and fewer children bar higher. Dawn Eden has assembled a great set of PP ads, like this one:
I really like this one when juxtaposed against the one above:
They love children, as long as there aren't too many of them.
The Golden Compass didn't do well this last weekend. Just as well says Ross Douthat. The film simply isn't very good, and it appears the screen writer/director planned to attack Christianity harder in the sequels: “The aim is to put in the elements we need to make this movie a hit, so that we can be much less compromising in how the second and third books are shot.”
This chapel attracts only discerning visitors because–hold onto your lunch–it is furnished entirely with human skeletons and skulls. That's right, the friars who man this parish are disassembled when they die to be made into furniture. Tibia and fibia form the chandeliers, vertebrae line the ceilings, fleshless fingers poke from the walls, skulls are lined up like decorative tiles along the sides–and a complete human skeleton stands on the ceiling, waving a scythe made up of still more bones. As you walk through the crypt that holds the bones of 4,000 friars, you pass a few skeletal Capuchins still wearing their robes–one bearing the message: “What you are now, I once was; what I am now, you will be.”
I plan on taking my family to Rome in three years. This is a "must" stop.
The always-clever Steve Sailer asks: Why aren't more Hispanics excelling (or even participating) in football? The problem is acute in my alma mater. I'm told we have 1,100 students, but over 350 of them are Hispanic. Size-wise, we're a Class A (the largest class), but because Hispanics don't participate much in non-soccer sports, we have to field teams with about 750 students (the equivalent of a large Class C). Our previous glory years in sports have entirely faded. Our football team won only one game this year, and I don't think it has made the playoffs in eight years. There are other important factors at work (primarily, moving into a tougher athletic conference), but the Hispanic non-participation is playing a big role.
Other than that, incidentally, we've had very few problems assimilating the Hispanic population in my home town. The Hispanics commit a higher degree of petty crimes than the rest of the population (which isn't unusual for immigrant groups, regardless of race--reference the first waves of Italians and Irish) and there are language hassles, but other than that, the fear-mongering bite has been far worse than the actual bite.