Saturday Stuff
Pleasant evening Friday. Nothing was going on. I came home from work, tapped into a six pack of Fletcher Street Brewery Wheat Ale that my father brought back for me from Alpena, Michigan and read The Life You Save May Be Your Own while listening to Mistletoe Sax (great holiday instrumental music; perfect background music while reading). After 90 minutes of that, I played the LCR dice game with the wife and children and a guest, then watched The Ultimate Gift with the family.
Everything above is highly recommended: the beer, the book, the CD, the dice game, the movie . . . and even the seven children. I can't give you an Amazon link for the seven children, but all but one of the links above goes to Amazon. Don't forget to use my Amazon link to buy stuff this season. I draw a kickback. It doesn't amount to much money, but it helps me justify a little bit of the time I spend slogging away here.
The dice game, incidentally, is a great family game. My wife and I genuinely enjoy it even though it's all luck, and Max (4) loves and understands it. Even Tess (2) can play, though she doesn't quite understand what's going on. All the other kids come running when we announce that we're getting the game out. (Incidentally, we play for pennies that I supply, with the result that the winner walks away with 36 cents . . . On Christmas Eve, I think I'll supply a roll of quarters for the festivities.)