Black Wednesday Again?

It's not black because of drinking. It's black because Charter Communications has once again gone down. In all fairness to Charter, it's been months since it has gone down, but (i) if experience is an indicator, this crash portends a series of crashes over the next couple of weeks, (ii) this crash started 1:30ish on Tuesday afternoon and was still going strong Tuesday night, and (iii) it covered a 25-mile-or-longer swath along U.S. 12 in southern Michigan. I think this crash is a doozy, and I'm not optimistic the service will be up-and-running any time soon. I am typing this post Tuesday night via a cellphone card that I insert into my computer. Pretty nifty, but pretty costly, too. It belongs to my law office, but I forgot to return it yesterday when I got back to town.

Anyway, there probably won't be any blogging on Wednesday. Thank Charter.

Why I'm investing in Far East Exchange Traded Funds: