Monday Miscellany
Don't live here: Dhaka, Bangladesh; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Shanghai and Tianjin in China; Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt; Mumbai and Kolkata in India; Jakarta, Indonesia; Tokyo and Osaka-Kobe in Japan; Lagos, Nigeria; Karachi, Pakistan; Bangkok, Thailand, and New York and Los Angeles. They're cities that will get wiped out by rising waters due to global warming. We'll have to watch the exodus reports to see how seriously people are taking the risk.
Hollywood bashes Catholicism again, this time in historical format. Steve Greydanus' review of Elizabeth: The Golden Age in The Register (subscription required).
If someone says something like “God has spoken to me,” it's a sure bet that the speaker is a Catholic whose message spells trouble for non-Catholics. Ditto any reference to “true believers,” “God's work,” and the like.
In this world, God-talk is troubling Catholic behavior. Meanwhile Protestants don't talk to, or about, God. Their religion is little more than a slogan for conscience, religious freedom and, of course, heroic resistance to Catholic oppression.
“I will not punish my people for their beliefs – only for their deeds,” says Elizabeth, conveniently forgetting that, in the last movie, she rammed the Act of Uniformity through Parliament, outlawing the Catholic Mass and imposing compulsory attendance at Anglican services.
In this version of history, the hosts of Catholics martyred under Elizabeth are all traitors and conspirators. “Every Catholic in England is a potential assassin,” Elizabeth's advisers helpfully remind her in an early scene. Well, then, every Catholic in England is a potential political prisoner, too.
Link to Greydanus review at Decent Films dot Com.
Didn't quite recognize her: The woman who played Mary Magdalen in Gibson's The Passion:

Celery stalks to be sent later: From Britain: Parents of 5-year-olds are to be sent official warning letters if their child is found to be obese, as part of a national programme to weigh children in schools.
Dude, like this is, like, bogus, man: Israeli police detained eight-time world surfing champion Kelly Slater early Saturday after a scuffle with photographers who were trying to take pictures of him with Israeli supermodel Bar Rafaeli, police said.
Aw, crud: Neckties are making a comeback. I simply don't like 'em. I look decent in them, but they give me a rash and they could increase the likelihood of glaucoma (which runs in my family). Via.