Rats in NY, Rats at CBS, Rats, Rats, Rats
"The jury found Thomas and Madison Square Garden sexually harassed Anucha Browne Sanders." Madison Square Garden? That makes the most brutal gang attack look tame.
Oh, those subtle types at the networks! "The latest episode of the CBS crime show "Cold Case" depicted presumably devout Christian teens in an abstinence club as sexually active hypocrites who literally stone a member to keep their sins secret." The thing could have genuine artistic merit (it's a clever plot). Thing is, when it comes out of a medium that routinely scourges Christianity, you assume they're doing it for propaganda or spite. A friend can walk up to you and say, "Hey, Scumbag, what's happenin'?" but if a guy you recently brawled with does it, you're going to get mad.
Who should you vote for? Here's a little quiz that might help you decide, though I think it's flawed.
Something for everyone: A Welsh company has launched a service that allows people to download the Bible direct to their mobile phones.
Non-Christians don't like Christians, and the number of non-Christians is increasing. That, according to a recent poll. The poll centers around evangelical Christians. I'd be curious to know what such a poll would reveal about Catholics. We know the number of Catholics is increasing, but the attitude of non-Christians toward Catholics? I don't know. I have a couple of non-believing acquaintances who like Catholics because we're laid back. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad. If it's because we lead by example, not by getting into everyone's face, it's good. If it's because we're lukewarm . . .
Hey, at least he wasn't in church: A man was lucky not to find himself facing contempt charges when his highly embarrassing mobile phone ring tone of a woman in bed rang out loudly in a packed courtroom.
Who's next? New Yorkers nervous?
Two centuries after rats first landed on a remote Aleutian island from a shipwreck, wildlife managers in Alaska are plotting how to evict the non-native rodent from the island that bears their name.
Rat Island, like many other treeless, volcanic islands in the 1,000-mile (1,609-km) long Aleutian chain, is infested with rats that have proved devastating to wild birds that build nests in the earth or in rocky cliffs.