Quick-Hitting Monday Morning

Dog People, Episode 265,988 (perhaps the most wicked and disturbing episode yet): Dogs that are brought to the Bunter Hund cafe in the Austrian capital Vienna will be given special beer for canines, pretzels and traditional Bavarian veal sausage just like at the real Oktoberfest.

Best headline from FARK over the weekend: Kentucky man learns how to break into homes by watching "It Takes a Thief", plans to start catching up "Prison Break" immediately.

Thomas Woods: Why I Am a Catholic Libertarian. I was hoping for a nuanced approach to the issue ("Libertarians like Authority, but disdain Power because it kills Authority"), but it's a pretty darn good rant.

Univision, the Spanish language network, is the most watched network in America among the 18-34 demographic, and it's slanted in favor of the pro-death crowd.

Leno: "Well, police across the country now say they're arresting more and more illegals who are prostitutes. But proponents say, 'No, no. They're just doing guys American hookers will not do.'"

Oh my, if this isn't scary: Little Reg Corvette: Elton John joins Prince onstage for surprise duet.

Bogus site where parents sell their daughters in marriage sparks small controversy . . . and a few libidos: With profiles of young girls, outrageous testimonials and solicitations for proposals (as well as a sign-up page to have your own daughter listed) MarryOurDaughter.com has received 60 million hits since it launched last week–and, believe it or not, on top of angry letters, thousands of proposals.

Not bad (Addicted to Blogging . . . for some reason, the last part of the block gets cut off):

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