Arabs and Britney

A reader of this blog is grappling with New Age-type nuns in her parochial school. She wrote to me, wanting to know if I could shed any light on these five things:

1) Children of Abraham
2) The Healing Circle
3) The Cosmic Walk
4) The Cosmic Voyage
5) Labyrinth Walk

Any comments or links in the comments box are greatly appreciated.

Man, everyone's talking about Britney. Now the Muslims have joined in: Muslim terrorist leaders threatened to forcibly convert Britney Spears and Madonna to Islam and warned if they resist, their heads would be cut off for "spreading Satanic culture." A bit rabid, yes, but one can sympathize a bit. No word on whether I-Zheet M'Drurz and M'Balz Es-Hari think Britney looked fat in her recent performance.

For some reason, the above story reminded me of the SNL terrorist briefing skit with Robert Deniro. If you haven't seen it (PG-13):


Do women regret having an abortion? Seven interesting testimonies at this link, including the selflessly heroic testimony of this "no regrets" woman:

Having worked for years to establish my career, the last thing I wanted was a child. All through my 20s I'd saved up to buy my flat, and for the first time in years I was able to go out and buy little luxuries. . . . In my mind, it was not a proper baby yet so I didn't feel like I was killing something. Now, when I hear how babies can have a heartbeat at six weeks, it does upset me. The procedure was done under general anaesthetic so I didn't feel a thing. I don't feel guilty, and I justify it by saying to myself that I only have one life and I can't give up my own happiness and dreams for the sake of a baby.


Call the Large Family Civil Rights Union, yet another instance of discrimination against families like mine: The world's smallest four-seater micro-car was unveiled by Toyota at the Frankfurt Motor Show.

A great case of the market taking care of an injustice: A Florida man has been besieged with job offers - after he was sacked for saving a woman from an armed robber. Juan Canales, 42, lost his job as a waiter with a Thai restaurant in Fort Lauderdale after his boss got sick of the media attention. I doubt it'll stop big government types from proposing legislation to make it unlawful to discharge someone because they did a good deed. That'd be a great boon for my industry.

This might be the most unintentionally funny story of the year: The Los Angeles city council is set to vote on a measure next week that would put a two-year moratorium on new outlets in South L.A. amid concern about high obesity rates there. There's irony and absurdity (not to mention sub-surface racism--the FARK headline that linked me to the story was "Yo' mama so fat, the city had to stop all them burger joints from opening around her house") in almost every paragraph. I hope I'm not falling for an Onion story:

"America's obesity epidemic . . . hits poorer neighborhoods disproportionately."

"'Fast food is primarily the only option for those who live and work here,' says City Councilwoman Jan Perry."

"But Perry and other health officials say they are not trying to play father figure to residents . . .".

"Others say it is a well-meaning but misguided attempt by government to control social behavior, doomed to failure, like prohibition in the 1920s." (Pssst, buddy, you wanna Big Mac?)

"After the Rodney King riots in 1992 devastated these neighborhoods, officials promised more supermarkets and restaurants, she says. But for a variety of reasons, that has not happened." [WTH does Rodney King have to do with this?]