Wednesday Bullets
My daughter's soccer coach asked the girls to watch Team USA play in the FIFA Women's World Cup. I guess he hopes they pick up some pointers.
It was better than I anticipated, but is the defining moment of women's soccer still the ripping off of one's shirt and revealing a sports bra?
Cardinal weighs in on the Britney performance: In a world that exalts physical perfection, the Church must proclaim its preferential option for the weak and marginalized, says the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
I'm moving to Mount Dora: "Under the revised [Mount Dora] ordinance, even if dogs bark for less than five minutes, their owners can be cited by the city if the dog barks for three periods in 24 hours." Can they also do something about the constant use of power lawn tools? If I were king, I'd require everyone to use power tools that can be heard outside one's own property lines during certain hours of the day (preferably 5:00 p.m. to 5:07 p.m. on Tuesdays only). That way, we'd all suffer through a few periods of cacophony every week, but the rest of the days would be reasonably quiet.
Change that, I'm moving to Russia, where I'll really be appreciated: A Russian province is today holding a Conception Day in an effort to boost flagging birth rates. . . The event is timed precisely nine months ahead of Russia's next year's Constitution Day so that mothers "ideally should give birth on June 12." . . . Prizes ranging from a television to a Russian-made all-terrain vehicle will be given out to people who give birth on June 12.
Science Confirms What We've Known for Hundreds of Years, Episode 1,432,009: Men look for beauty, while women go for wealth when it comes to assessing future partners, researchers say. So what do lesbians look for?
New GKC-type blogger: Pillar and Foundation.
Great song, primitive video:
Chrissie Hynde is now 56.