The Biden Pope?
The Pope is has been talking a lot about St. Gregory Nazianzus. He must've seen my biographical sketch of the saint years ago. I hate it when my stuff gets ripped off!
Michelle Reitemeyer passes this along: The trials of grocery shopping with six children. It's connected to an eBay auction. My wife can sympathize. I wish I had a beer for every time she has defiantly announced, "I'm going to the grocery store . . . and I'm not taking anyone with me."
I missed this funny political ruckus: Presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Wednesday his wife was not taking a swipe at Hillary Rodham Clinton when she said, "If you can't run your own house, you can't run the White House." I think I'll vote for Obama's wife.
Who's shocked? A man who promised to name his second child Spiderpig if enough people joined his Facebook group has admitted it was a hoax.
PSA: Ten things your college student must have in his room. I spent seven years in college. I had none of these things (though I had a TV during my junior and senior years at the University of Michigan; for my junior year, it was a B&W that we propped up on a beer bottle).