Hate Metric? Hate Bonds?

Over at Chesterton and Friends, the editor of Gilbert Magazine, Sean Dailey, made the following observation about the metric system:

The metric system was developed by French Enlightenment dullards and is tailor-made for athiests: none of the measurements are divisible by three.
In the English system, on the other hand, many of the measurements are divisible by three: the number of feet in a mile, the number of inches in a foot, the difference between the temperatures for boiling and freezing (180). In other words, subtle reminders of the Holy Trinity.


Speaking of Dailey, he has started a Chesterton blog: The Blue Boar. I think it's named after an inn. Most new blogs have a shelf life of three months. We'll see how Sean does.

Good news for Detroit fans like me: The Sporting News (perhaps the most reputable sports magazine out there; it makes SI look downright silly) says Detroit is the best sports city. Link.

Yeah, I'm sure it was an accident: A woman in New York is in a spot of bother with her husband after accidentally selling the ashes of his first wife for 58 cents at a garage sale.

Chart of presidential candidates' positions on various issues. It's obviously drafted with a leftwing bias, but it's pretty nifty anyway.

Anyone remember the Swing Wing toy? Pretty funny retro commercial here. It's one minute long, but you'll get all the necessary information in the first ten seconds.

I'd like to get one and attach spikes to the end, just in case I ever find myself in a gay bar.

Hmmmm, this cuts against the grain of studies that show married men get more action than single men. Do we trust the Communist Dr. Love or studies done in the free market?

About 80% of married men face erectile dysfunction five years into their marriage because of having a single sex partner, China Press reported yesterday.
It quoted Singapore's Dr Yu Wei Siang, who is otherwise known as [You Need My Love Baby, Oh So Bad] Doctor Love, as saying that 50% of men faced the problem with their sex partner after being married for between three and five years and 80% of them after being married for five years.


I have no clue whether this is a legitimate complaint, but this writer says Barry Bonds is using another device to help break the HR record: elbow armor.