Quick-Hitting Eudemon

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On rednecks. Excerpt:

Rednecks, as Bageant explains in detail, are dumber than dirt. They're not bad people. You can heist a brew with them and talk about NASCAR and gobble wings and, with a little effort, come away liking them. But they don't know squat. They are easily suckered by real-estate scammers and corporate con artists. The level of genuine illiteracy in America is much higher than most think. Add people who can barely read, and therefore don't, and have never read a book in their lives, and you get a disconcerting number.


Lawyer will now defend those who've been victimized by space alients. Excerpt:

"There are no legal grounds to put somebody in a psychiatric hospital because he was a victim of aliens," said Lorek.
"The state is socially responsible, even for alien shamans, if they cannot protect them from abduction."
He went on: "Aliens stick needles in their victims' genitals and interfere with their organs. Since 1961 there have been tens of thousands of alien abductions."

I've never bought into the idea of life in outer space, but given the risks highlighted in that last paragraph, my concern is now officially heightened.

Best story of the day:

A drunken woman had to be pulled out of a freshly-laid road after falling into an asphalt trench. . .
She tried to climb over it but toppled into a concrete mixer, which had been left on. It twirled her around for five minutes until she pulled herself out. . . .
“It was like quicksand. The more I tried to pull myself out the more I sank into it. I was angry with the workmen because they laughed at me. One even threatened to put a bucket on my head to stop me shouting at them.”


Looking for a cheap way to thrill your five-year-old boy or butch daughter? Build him an army-man table.

Dawn Eden blogs about her speech at the Chesterton Conference last week. Excerpt:

My depression was what's known as unipolar. I would go from static periods of relative normalcy to black holes of despair and back, with no manic highs. In fact, I was quite jealous of manic-depressives; at least they got to run around public streets in their underwear and do other exciting things.


Some good late night humor recently:

Do you know this is "Meet a New Mate Week?” Which is more bad news for Scooter Libby. Not looking good. (Leno)

You may have seen this in the paper today. In Santa Cruz County, Ariz., a child molester was sentenced to 6,242 years in prison. He is trying to get transferred to Los Angeles where, with good behavior, he will be out in 23 days. (Leno)

Today, Paula Abdul celebrated her 45th birthday. Unfortunately, when Paula blew out the birthday candles, her breath caught fire and scorched a two-block radius. (Conan)

According to a new poll, 15 percent of Americans say that Hillary Clinton gives them the creeps. The other 85 percent say she gives them the willies or the heebie jeebies. (Conan)