Monday Moanin'
Not much this morning. I played outdoors with the kids most of yesterday afternoon, including an hour of soccer with Abbie (12) that dang-near killed me and damaged bones or ligaments or other mystery parts in my right foot. I couldn't walk on it last night. This morning, I just wanted to sleep until the last second, so I did.
Emotional indulgence gone wild: Man posts phone number on YouTube, saying he wants to "be there" for whomever calls. He received 5,000 phone calls over the weekend, and now he has to start paying (free weekend programs don't work on Mondays). Query: How did an Associated Press writer get ahold of this story? It's possible that the writer or someone he knows saw the YouTube video, but that seems awfully coincidental. I'm guessing (i) the young man posted the information ("I've received 5,000 calls") some place, or (ii) contacted the press himself. Now looking for a call from Letterman?
New book about Russell Kirk due out soon. The Postmodern Imagination of Russell Kirk. It's written by a Chestertonian at Seton Hall. Excerpt from the product description: "This book takes a closer look at his works on such subjects as law, history, economics, and statesmanship to introduce a new generation of readers to the depth and range of his thought. By stressing the importance of Kirk s perception of imagination, Gerald J. Russello offers a new approach to understanding him . . .". I don't want to pay $44, but I also don't want to wait for the movie. Decisions, decisions.
No wonder I'm feeling a little depressed today: Lawyers are the most-depressed professional group, at least in Australia. I know we're near the top of depressives in the United States, but I thought I read recently that dentists (yes, dentists) have the highest rates of depression.
Funny stuff: Sheryl Crow wants to limit toilet paper use. The headline at Drudge: "WIPE OUT GLOBAL WARMING: CROW PROPOSES LIMITS ON TOILET PAPER."
A friend, incidentally, sent me links about the RCC's position on global warming. I need to read them, but got swamped at the office last week and had out-of-town company the past two weekends. I'll plan on posting the links here.
Something for Monday Morning
"Work is a powerful medicine."
St. John Chrysostom