Holy Saturday
Good Friday processions in pictures. Via Godspy.
Pictures at Yahoo!
Pretty cool: pictorial history of the TV. This one might be my favorite:

I kinda thought they all did this: Dentist "found guilty of urinating in his surgery's sink and routinely working on teeth without washing his hands or wearing anti-infection gloves." (Gosh, I hope my dentist doesn't read this blog.)
Probably the right sentiment by the Coke people: Coca-Cola Co. is suing producers of an Italian film titled "7 Km da Gerusalemme" (Seven Kilometers From Jerusalem), that shows Jesus swigging Coke from a can in the desert. Coke said the scene would probably give the soda a bad image. A spokeswoman said, "We are not interested in this kind of product placement."
I must say, this is a shock:
A top hurricane forecaster called Al Gore "a gross alarmist" Friday for making an Oscar-winning documentary about global warming. . . . Rather than global warming, Gray believes a recent uptick in strong hurricanes is part of a multi-decade trend of alternating busy and slow periods related to ocean circulation patterns. Contrary to mainstream thinking, Gray believes ocean temperatures are going to drop in the next five to 10 years.
It's a shock because, not only did it come out of the Associated Press, but a mainstream media outlet (ABC) ran the story on its site.
Good news for me: The day when you can charge your cell phone or iPod just by going for a stroll around the block could be a step closer, thanks to a "nano-generator". My new favorite pursuit is walking while listening to podcasts. In the past two months, I estimate I've listened to four hours of Groeschel, five lectures, five book chapters, and countless individual podcasts while walking for exercise. Multi-tasking has its downsides (articles about multi-tasking: 1, 2), but walking and listening is a good kind of multi-tasking, assuming you also leave time for just strolling and enjoying the outdoors in silence.