The Wednesday Eudemon

Not sure I see the problem:

At least 100 employees of the Texas Youth Commission have a felony charge or warrant in their backgrounds, and some have convictions, and while spokesman Jim Hurley says they now are being identified, the system won't be able to get rid of them right away anyway.

The best college pranks on YouTube. The author of this piece has performed a public service.

In case anyone else missed the big news item from yesterday (maybe Richards is just pulling a hoax, but it's a testament to Richards' outrageous life that I believe him):

Keith Richards has acknowledged consuming a raft of illegal substances in his time, but this may top them all. In comments published Tuesday, the 63-year-old Rolling Stones guitarist said he had snorted his father's ashes mixed with cocaine.
"The strangest thing I've tried to snort? My father. I snorted my father," Richards was quoted as saying by British music magazine NME.
"He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow. My dad wouldn't have cared," he said. "... It went down pretty well, and I'm still alive."

Near-death experiences of the famous. A lot of them saw their bodies below them. My uncle flat-lined once, and he told me that he could see his body below him, lying unconscious. Pretty wild. Obviously, it's also evidence that there's something incorporeal in us that leaves when the corporeal part of us stops working. Benedict Groeschel was talking about the same thing last Sunday on Sunday Night Live. He said that many dying people experience their whole lives go before their eyes in an instant. Such a video replay should take hours, but it flashes in a nano-second. That's because the spirit is timeless, and it's entering the timeless zone.

By the way, if you don't watch or podcast Groeschel's show on Sunday night, you should. He's such a simple man. Unbelievers no doubt mock him. But if you're acquainted with his background, you know you're watching a man of first-rate intellectual abilities . . . yet a man who has subordinated his abilities to the pursuit of virtue and humility and God. I find the contrast--his peasant-like demeanor and his intellectual power--fascinating.

A touching but sad story of displacement in the modern world: A Polish woman who put an ad on the internet for new grandparents for her kids has had thousands of replies.

Time to grow up, kid: "A suspended Toronto elementary school principal has pleaded guilty to throwing feces (excrement) on a child." I find the parenthetical definition interesting. Is "excrement" a better-known word than feces? If so, why didn't they just use "excrement" in the first place? They are synonyms, no? The combox is open, if you care to join this display of coprophilia.