The Easter Swallows
Regular readers of this blog will realize this is a first: an endorsement/review of a children's book. Goodness knows, I've read more children's books than Mr. Rogers, but I typically find they're something to be endured, like a dirty diaper or a school band concert.
I recently received a copy of a pretty good one, though. It's The Easter Swallows by Vickie Howie (illustrated by Paola Bertolini Gudina). The Easter Bunny is going to give it to Max (aged 3), and I suspect it'll be a hit with him, Meg (6), and eventually Tess (1 and 11/12ths). It explains the passion and resurrection of Our Savior in a way that little children will enjoy and in a way that won't give them bad dreams and catapult them into your bed. I've had children in my bed more often than a Jehovah's Witness pop star, so for that I'm grateful.
Anyway, highly recommended, if you're looking for a new children's book that reliably furthers a toddler's Christian understanding.
Pauline Books & Media publishes it (link to children's titles), but I can't find a link for it at their site, so here's an Amazon link.