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Time-strapped days seem to come in waves. Last night: High school orientation with my son. Today: Pre-op (gall bladder comes out next week), oil change, trip to the cell phone provider to get a new phone (my son's was stolen last week), and then maybe I'll go to the office for a little while before coming home to watch my toddlers at noon. Anyway, very little time to blog today. For days like these, I stockpile stuff in a "script bank." Today, I'm making a sizable withdrawal:

Something funny:

I once heard someone describe a man who had only recently walked away after what appeared a friendly enough exchange as "obviously suffering from delusions of equality," which would have been vicious . . . had not the latter himself been a great snob.

Joseph Epstein, A Line Out for a Walk.

Something to think about:

Money, you think, is the sole motive to pains and hazard, deception and devilry, in this world. How much money did the devil make by gulling Eve?

P.T. Barnum.

Bar fodder for nerds:

Albert Camus said he wrote The Stranger after reading The Postman Always Rings Twice.

One Brew You Can Use

Check out this site for St. Patrick's Day beer stuff.
