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Slow news day today. A few things:

Interesting, though I'm tectonically ignorant: "Africa is being torn apart. And as Ethiopia's rift valley grows slowly wider, an international team of scientists is taking a unique opportunity to plot the progress of continents on the move."

The NFL needs to be taken outside and spanked: "The NFL has nixed a church's plans to use a wall projector to show the Colts-Bears Super Bowl game, saying it would violate copyright laws." Some day, the major sports will take a fall for their hubris, but at this juncture, I can't imagine how it'll happen. I just hope I live to see it.

Funny Conan: "Russia has announced it's holding its annual beauty pageant for nuclear power plant workers. Apparently last year's winner had the most beautiful three eyes they've ever seen."

Brews You Can Use

Even though my drinking has been sidelined, that's no reason to stop my weekly writings about the good stuff.

A new beer blogger from London. He's a pub crawler, and he has some great pictures. Here's the first line I read on his blog: "As a kid, Draught Guinness was the first beer I really enjoyed." As a kid. What's not to like about that?

I think I'm gonna hurl! A Japanese brewery has produced a low-malt beer with milk. The only bright side to this news is, it'll help twelve-year-olds develop healthy bones.

Favorite drinks of the rich and famous throughout history. A few of my favorites. Napoleon and Oscar Wilde: Absinthe. Faulkner: Mint Julep. Hemingway: Pretty much everything.

Great quote from Oscar Wilde seen on the same site: "Work is the curse of the drinking class."
