Seven Days Make One Weak

Tolkien's House, Transgenders, and Timmerie

There's not a single Tolkien center in the world. I was shocked to hear that.

But it might change. A group is trying to buy Tolkien's old house in Oxford. The problem is, the price tag: $6.5 million and they have to raise the money in three months.

The house was listed at $5.3 million, then the listing was apparently taken down to give the Tolkien group time to raise the money. The actual purchase price of the house is now $5.4 million. The additional $1.1 million will be used to renovate, including the addition of a “hobbit house” in the garden (at a cost of $100,000).

I struggle with donating to such things, but dang: Tolkien has given me so much. I tend to think I should at least show a little gratitude.

Then again, I doubt JRR much cares about such things at this point of his existence.

Man, the transgender wars are flaring up again, now that the elections are over. Pelosi and Biden are on the war path to make sure dudes who identify as girls can dominate female sports, and Ellen Page came out as transgendered in a highly-orchestrated and pre-planned publicity stunt that brought in all the major culprits, like Facebook and Twitter.

Timmerie Geagea broke it all down in this excellent episode of “Trending with Timmerie” at Relevant Radio.

You just need to listen to the first 24 minutes. After that, she starts taking calls from listeners, which is where I always stop listening.

I really enjoy Relevant Radio, but I simply don't like their call-in shows.

Which is odd. I've never had a problem with other talk radio call-in shows.

I think the problem with Relevant Radio is that they let the callers drone. Maybe out of kindness? Beats me, but it gets tiresome.

I used to listen to “The Inner Life” frequently, but I finally realized that, after the first ten minutes of each show, I was spending an awful lot of time listening to callers' meandering and long-wrought stories about their problems. I stopped listening a year ago and haven't gone back.

But there's one Relevant Radio host who keeps a tight rein on callers: Patrick Madrid. He doesn't screw around. If you're wasting his air time, he cuts you right off. At times, I think he's a bit too abrupt, but typically, I'm applauding.

Until next week, thanks for reading and thanks for sharing.
