The Moanin' Eudemon

Ah, my favorite weekend of the year has ended. Most sad indeed.

But I have Cyber Monday to perk me up. Today is the one of the biggest online shopping days of the year. People go to their offices and shop online. I think I'll pass. I have my wife to cover my shopping back, thank goodness. I don't mind a little Christmas shopping, but once it hits mega-levels (more than ten gifts), I prefer to go catatonic (which is, of course, pretty much the same thing as mega-shopping; the facial expressions are the same, but the monetary outlay is different).

Great story: A man "has been jailed after an outraged burglar spotted massive amounts of child pornography on his computer and called police." It kind of reminds me of hard-core inmates who beat up child abusers in prison. Even monsters like children.

Funny observation from Leno last week about Kramer's outburst:

[Michael] Richards has called Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton over the situation. Here's my question. Who do you call if you offend white people? Who's the head white guy? Is that Ron Howard? Do you call Opie?

At least one good review has been written about The Nativity Story. (Courtesy of the Jester)

Another reason I'm happy I never watched soap operas: "All My Children" this week will introduce a transgender character who is beginning to make the transition from a man into a woman. The article says actor "Jeffrey Carlson portrays Zarf, an American who nonetheless speaks in an exaggerated British accent." Is that what that accent is called? The article also says that a gay consultant feels that "people involved [with production] were genuinely interested in telling the story with dignity." If any of you watch this show please notify me when they get to the penis-lopping stage. I want to see how they handle that with dignity. Email link on left.

Enjoy your week.