

How's Budapest this time of year? I tell ya, the Magyars got it goin' on. A COVID per-capita rate well below the European average, an ongoing resistance to Muslim immigration, and BLM movements under firm control.

Funny, but the same three characteristics can also be found in Poland. Though it appears that BLM has made a bit of progress there, it doesn't brook Muslim invasion and has a COVID rate even lower than Hungary's.

Poland and Hungary: Western civilization's last best hopes. Maybe it's Hungary's way of apologizing for the existence of George Soros.

This is the primary reason I wear a mask: "Murphy cited recent scenes from expanded outdoor bar and restaurants showing packed crowds not wearing masks and ignoring social distancing as a reason from pausing indoor dining indefinitely." That's in New Jersey.

Now, I appreciate a little Thoreauian civil disobedience, but that's not what's happening with these lunkheads. They just don't want to wear masks. And I don't blame them, but I want to be able to duck into a bar now and then for a drink. They're just ruining it for everybody.

I guess I was never aware that there are a large number of "lost albums" out there: studio recordings that never got released and now no one can find. Here's a list of 14 such albums, a few of which might get "found" and released soon. Excerpt:

Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash, The Dylan/Cash Sessions
These two icons teamed up in February of 1969 (with Carl Perkins on lead guitar, to boot), spending two days together in the studio recording 15 songs. For a long time, only one of those – a cover of Dylan's “Girl from the North Country” that wound up on his Nashville Skyline album – was officially released, but the rest of the recordings from those sessions were finally unleashed last year as part of Dylan's bootleg series on The Bootleg Series Vol. 15: Travelin' Thru, 1967”“1969.