
Virtue or Vice?
When it comes to one's own death, when does a person cross the line from abandonment to God's will (the finest thing) to reckless disregard for one's own health and life (a potential sin . . . Catechism 2288)? When does abandonment turn into the heresy of Quietism?
Those, I think, are the million dollar spiritual questions in these COVID times.
Based on a conversation between Tom Woods and Thaddeus Russell, the death rate from COVID increasingly appears to be far less than we originally feared, and it appears that re-opening the economy is, for some mysterious reasons, not resulting in more infections.
I can't draw the line between abandonment/recklessness--abandonment/quietism in my own soul, much less map out a standard for everyone else. We each need to work it out for ourselves, but I increasingly lean strongly toward abandonment at this time.
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There won't be much blogging this weekend. As always, holiday weekend = slow blogging.
I hate to say this because the response to the reinvigorated TDE has been great. I started more "substantive" blogging in late March. My readership in April went up almost 20%. The numbers aren't back to the halcyon days when I wrote a blogging column for National Catholic Register, but the significant (and quick) uptick makes me think blogging is, indeed, still a viable publishing outlet.