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I'm a big fan of GoFundMe. As a rule, I try to donate at least a few dollars to any campaign that helps a person dealing with a mortal situation, as long as I have any corroborating evidence that the cause is legit. There are too many scam artists out there, like the woman who returned to my area a few years ago, claiming to have cancer. The community rallied, held fundraisers for her . . . and then she vanished with the money and no sign of cancer.

I'm pretty sure Dante would've come up with a circle of hell just for her.

If you like to donate a few dollars to worthy causes, please consider this one. I don't even know the woman. My daughter is "friendly acquaintances" with her and told me about it, so I sent some money.

Was my donation just one privileged white helping another privileged white? That's one criticism that has been leveled at GoFundMe: One study found that "people crowdfunding for health reasons tend to live in high-income, high-education, and high-homeownership zip codes, as opposed to areas with greater need. As a result, the authors wrote, medical crowdfunding can entrench or exacerbate socioeconomic inequality."

So, if you like to read between the lines, it means that people who don't get taxpayer money are helping other people who don't get taxpayer money. It sounds like a pretty good arrangement to me.
