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A few semi-noteworthy tweets from my surfing last night. The sad thing is, I found only three such semis in 20 minutes of scrolling through Twitter.

Learn something new every day: There's a wild horse problem out west. I saw at Twitter, which was retweeted by a friend I trust on such matters. I'd handle it myself, channeling those Bustin' Bronco spirits of mine, but I'm kind of busy right now and my back is bothering me.

Interesting tweet from Brad Birzer: "Just received my royalties from the Christopher Dawson bio, July-December, 2019: $12.73. Now, you all know how I make my living."

This was neat to see yesterday: "Neuhaus and his merry band of unrepentantly religious public intellectuals launched First Things thirty years ago." I was a charter subscriber (pretty sure I was . . . memories fade). I've been meaning to renew my subscription, now that time seems to be opening up a bit for me.
