
“He rules the world with truth and grace.” –Isaac Watts ++ “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” –Charles Dickens ++ “The Incarnation”¦illuminates and orders all other phenomena, explains both our laughter and our logic, our fear of the dead and our knowledge that it is somehow good to die, and which at one stroke covers what multitudes of separate theories will hardly cover for us if this is rejected.” –C.S. Lewis ++ “Regarding not the day, let us give God thanks for the gift of His dear Son”¦ If it be possible to honor Christ in the giving of gifts, I cannot see how while the gift, giver and recipient are all in the spirit of the world”¦ [B]ut we have a Christ gift the entire year.” –Charles Spurgeon ++ “Holiday and Holy Day, Christmas is more than a yule log, holly or tree. It is more than natural good cheer and the giving of gifts. Christmas is even more than the feast of the home and of children, the feast of love and friendship. It is more than all of these together. Christmas is Christ, the Christ of justice and charity, of freedom and peace.” –Francis Cardinal Spellman ++ “The place that the shepherds found was not an academy or an abstract republic; it was not a place of myths allegorized or dissected or explained away. It was a place of dreams come true.” –G.K. Chesterton