Ten Reasons to Go Hollywood
If any of you watch movies that contain gratuitous sex and violence or moral worldviews contrary to a godly one, I'd like to ask you to e-mail me to tell me why you do it. This is for an article I am writing on the spiritual, cultural and social impact of movie watching.
Sounds like an interesting article. I notice that Mr. Gotcher is focusing on two types of movies: (1) Those that contain gratuitous sex and violence, and (2) Movies that contain moral worldviews contrary to a godly one. I like to help my fellow man and Gotcher participates on a good blog, so I've come up with this Top Ten list of reasons I watch such movies:
10. To watch the babes.
9. I didn't know Candy and the Three Gigolos and Naked Teens on Viagra contained violence, too.
8. It's part of my spy training.
7. My wife doesn't go to such movies, and I need a place to take my girlfriend.
6. I was drunk when I bought the tickets.
5. I snuck into the wrong back door.
4. I'm homeschooling my kids in sex education and need audio-visual aids.
3. I don't care what movie is showing. I just want a place where I can sit naked without anyone noticing.
2. It's a turn-on for prostitutes.
1. It's what my nine-year-old wants to watch.