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Note: A death in the family has derailed TWE temporarily. Give me a few days . . .

Baptisms at Practice

Dabo Swinney's faith has aided in the recruiting that's made Clemson a college football powerhouse, while drawing the ire of groups that say he runs afoul of the First Amendment


Family Gonna Be Sorry When They Want Some Trail Mix From Dad's Cargo Shorts They Just Made Fun Of

The Athlete's Jezebel

The same people who years ago entrusted her with millions–from Ricky Williams to Dennis Rodman to Travis Best–wince today at the mention of her name. They'll tell you how she left them broke. How she's a "chameleon ghost witch." How she's a forgery of the American Dream. And every athlete's worst nightmare.

Reading in the Family

I never claimed to be the world's greatest dad or anything, but I certainly didn't fail my kids on this front:

[W]hy some people grow up to derive great pleasure from reading, while others don't. That why is consequential–leisure reading has been linked to a range of good academic and professional outcomes–as well as difficult to fully explain. But a chief factor seems to be the household one is born into, and the culture of reading that parents create within it. . . .

Studies looking at “family scholarly culture” have found that children who grew up surrounded by books tend to attain higher levels of education and to be better readers than those who didn't, even after controlling for their parents' education.

The mere presence of books is not magically transformative. “The question is, I take a child who's not doing very well in school, and I put 300 books in their house–now what happens?,” Willingham said. “Almost certainly the answer is, not a lot. So what is it? Either what are people doing with those books, or is this sort of a temperature read of a much broader complex of attitudes and behaviors and priorities that you find in that home?”
