
Michigan becomes first state to ban flavored e-cigarettes

Morons beating on morons. I think vaping is stupid . . . I rank it with slamming one's genitals in the car door on purpose. But hey, it's not my life. Just another stupid law.

Michigan on Wednesday became the first state in the nation to ban flavored e-cigarettes, a step the governor said was needed to protect young people from the potentially harmful effects of vaping.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) said in an interview Tuesday that she ordered the ban after the state health department found youth vaping constituted a public health emergency. The action was officially announced Wednesday.

PSA For College Students

How to take better notes. My strong recommendation: Revise your notes within 12 hours after class ends. I know a guy who scored a B average at one of the top law schools in the nation and rarely read any of the materials. He merely took notes like a mad man and memorized them. I don't recommend you try that, but it's a testament to the importance of taking good, great, excellent notes.

Note taking has long been considered a 2-R process: record and review.

Recent research has shown a third R-step: revision, which occurs between record and review.

Revision should be done soon after a lecture or even during a lecture when the instructor pauses. During revision, students should try to use existing notes to prompt the recall and addition of missing lesson ideas.

Are E-Scooters a Menace or Needed Innovation?

Easy answer: They're both. We await Michigan to ban them . . . for the kids, of course. It's always "for the kids."

Are today's new motorized electric scooters an epidemic terrorizing American cities? In the New York Times, Nashville writer Margaret Renkl argues that the shared vehicles known as e-scooters are often abandoned in inappropriate places–such as in front of doorways, in the middle of the sidewalk, and on street corners. Renkl presents this as an inconvenience that outweighs all the benefits she mentions, including convenience, ease of use, affordability, reductions in urban heat and pollution, and less street congestion.

Peanuts Paradox

Long-time fan here . . . probably because they're precocious, cruel, and nihilistic. I'm willing to bet the strip wouldn't pass SJW scrutiny today if Schultz were an unknown just starting out.

Charles Schulz's kid characters are precocious, cruel, and nihilistic. They're also among the most compelling in children's literature.

The Prince Autobiography that Never Was

I know a guy who knew Sheila E. That makes me a friend of Prince twice removed. He was a rodee for Prince but didn't know him. Prince was aloof and rarely interacted with the help.

On January 29, 2016, Prince summoned me to his home, Paisley Park, to tell me about a book he wanted to write. He was looking for a collaborator. Paisley Park is in Chanhassen, Minnesota, about forty minutes southwest of Minneapolis. Prince treasured the privacy it afforded him. He once said, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, that Minnesota is “so cold it keeps the bad people out.” Sure enough, when I landed, there was an entrenched layer of snow on the ground, and hardly anyone in sight.