In some ways, the current age of victimhood has roots in the excesses of Second Wave feminism of the 1970s. The theme of Flora Rheta Schreiber's bestselling Sybil (published in 1973) was that some American women were so oppressed that they split themselves into multiple personalities, as a defense. Marketed as nonfiction, Sybil became a national sensation, with 6 million copies sold and 40 million Americans watching a two-part television series based on the book. Thirty-eight years later, it was exposed as a hoax.
Nuclear Answers for Everything . . . A Venerable Tradition
Books flourished touting the newly acquired power of the sun. “When the bomb was dropped,” writer Isaac Asimov explained, “atomic-doom science-fiction stories grew to be so numerous that editors began refusing them on sight.” Cereal giant General Mills got into the act with an offer that children could mail in 15 cents' postage and a Kix cereal box top in exchange for an “atomic bomb ring,” where kids could “see genuine atoms SPLIT to smithereens.” (General Mills “guaranteed” that the ring was not actually able “to blow everything sky high.”) Some 750,000 children were soon running around their neighborhoods pretending to launch nuclear explosions in all directions.
How Gun-Detection Technology Promises to Help Prevent Mass Shootings
Athena Security uses object-motion detection to spot when an individual brandishes a fireman, and immediately send an alert to their client, whether that's a private security firm or local law enforcement. The company's AI object-motion detection is camera agnostic, meaning it can work on any CCTV system. When a gun is detected, the video feed of the active shooter is made available to the client both on mobile devices and desktop computers, allowing officers to know what they are dealing with and where it is happening, all in the space of three seconds, according to Falzone.
Eugene Bu't Yo Ass wit Dat Pocket Protector
The unusual suspects: British Columbia's middle-class gang problem
At the Iowa State Fair, the premier stage for presidential candidates to pantomime being a Just Another Regular American, food on a stick is so foundational that there is a dedicated section on its website with an exhaustive list of impaled food items (there are, for instance, 11 variations on the corn dog). “People like stuff on a stick,” says Larry Fyfe, who has run concessions at the state fair for 50 years, and has sold novelty items like a deep-fried stick of butter... on a stick. “They can carry it around, eat it on the go.” According to Fyfe, putting a product on a stick can boost its sales by about 50 percent.
Zinn Bad . . . but Not Entirely
Zinn's strength as a moral activist against capitalism, racism, and war may have led to his demonstrable weakness. His People's History offers scant proof for its bold assertions, and parts of his long polemic have clearly been plagiarized from the works of other social radicals, a conspicuous problem that his critic Mary Grabar has painstakingly documented in her very pointed work, Debunking Howard Zinn. Moreover, though Zinn has had his admirers on the Left, few professional historians from that side have been willing to vouch for his scholarship. Eric Foner, Michael Kammen, and Michael Kazin, all of whom are respected historians with exemplary leftist credentials, have questioned Zinn's “facts.” Eugene Genovese, while he was still a professing Marxist, wouldn't even review People's History because he found Zinn's “bottom-up” history to be so deficient.