A Tennessee woman is speaking out after she alleges a Catholic priest and parish staff denied her work due to the color of her skin. However, the church and the Catholic Diocese of Memphis deny any wrongdoing, pushing the blame on the priest's “kinda racist” dog for turning her away, according to the Memphis Commercial Appeal.
People on the left celebrated following billionaire David Koch's death after a battle with prostate cancer.
The conservative philanthropist and political activist, 79, had contributed over $1.3 billion to public policy, medical organizations, cultural institutions and more.
Many on the left expressed happiness over Koch's passing. American sportswriter Charles Pierce suggested Koch's corpse be dropped “into the Amazon rainforest fires,” and Rob Sheridan, an American graphic designer and photographer, tweeted he hoped Koch “suffered” as he died.
A More Comical Death is Hard to Imagine
Sex robots plagued with coding errors could be prone to violent behaviours including strangling, an expert has warned.
Doll collector Brick Dollbanger fears violent repercussions if robotics are not regulated properly.
He believes a simple "coding error" could turn AI girlfriends against their owners if they are equipped with free will.
This month marks the eightieth anniversary of one of the greatest and most enduring film musicals ever made, and one of the few to match the dramatic ambition of the best Broadway shows. The Wizard Of Oz gave us a standard song that won the Oscar that year and was potent enough to provide Eva Cassidy with a posthumous hit in the 21st century. We'll get to that next week, but for this week's Song of the Week here's one of my personal favorites from a truly marvelous score:
Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead
Which old witch?
The wicked witch!
Ding-dong! The wicked witch is dead...
Never Thought of Beggars Like This
However uncomfortable my commute, I can't compete with fourth-century priest John Chrysostom, who on his way to church encountered “outcasts, some with severed hands, others with gougedÂout eyes, others filled with festering ulcers and incurable wounds.”[1] One morning, he described the experience to his congregation in detail, knowing many of them had grown blind to the horrors they passed every day.
“We must always make sermons about almsgiving,” John Chrysostom (348-407) tells his parish in Constantinople, “because we, too, have much need of this mercy issuing from the Master who created us, especially during the present season when the frost is severe.”[2] Chrysostom is clear on this: giving to the needy is essential for the warmth of the poor, and the salvation of the rich.
I'll admit, on my walk to work, I'm usually thinking more about how to avoid eye contact with the homeless man on the corner than how to receive God's mercy through him.