
'I don't smell!' Meet the people who have stopped washing

David Whitlock has not showered or bathed for 15 years, yet he does not have body odour. “It was kind of strange for the first few months, but after that I stopped missing it,” he says. “If I get a specific part of my body dirty, then I'll wash that specific part” ”“ but never with soap. As well as germs, soap gets rid of the skin's protective oils and alters its pH level. Although Whitlock appreciated gaining an extra 15 minutes a day from soap-dodging, his primary motivation was to encourage friendly microbes to live on him in symbiotic harmony. The bacteria get to feast on the ammonia from his sweat and he gets low-maintenance, balanced skin.

[NOT a scratch-n-sniff article]

Summary of: Woodstock, the Entire Concert Box Set

Out this month is a 50th anniversary archive box set ”“ all 38 CDs of it ”“ which presents the festival in something approximating real time. Folk-blues singer Richie Havens, who opened the event while almost every other act was stuck in traffic, would later claim he “played for nearly three hours ”¦ I sang every song I knew!” We now know he only played for 45 minutes. This is an audio vérité documentary, right down to the on-stage announcements: “Eric Klinnenberg, please call home ”¦ Dennis Dache, please call your wife ”¦ Karen from Poughkeepsie, please meet Harold at the stand with the blood pills ”¦” I listened to all 38 discs in sequence, over three days.

Friday: don't take the brown acid

How the NFL took over America in 100 years

The NFL's roots can be traced to the northeast corner of Ohio, where football was nothing more than a competitive outlet for college athletes who graduated into the working class -- an activity organized and branded by athletic clubs sponsored by various employers.

From 1920 to 1930, 46 organizations came and went -- a reflection of various companies trying to establish teams without significant financial stability. Even the league's first champion, the Akron Pros, lasted only six years. You can stump trivia opponents by knowing the Tonawanda Kardex played a single game in 1921 before vanishing into football obscurity.

Cape Cod's New Normal: Sharks Are Everywhere

During a recent morning surf at a town beach here, Andy Jacob spotted a dark shadow in the water just a few feet away. He assumed it was a gray seal because they are everywhere these days–until he got a better view.

“As clear as day, it was a great white shark,” said the 40-year-old Wellfleet resident, who had been surfing.

The World is My Defecation Station

California's Biggest Cities Confront a 'Defecation Crisis'

Lawmakers ban plastic straws as a far worse kind of waste covers the streets of San Francisco and L.A.

They say there's a smartphone app for everything, and doubters should know there are now at least two dealing with excrement on the sidewalks of San Francisco. The city has its official SF311 app, part of its “San Francisco at your Service” program, and last year a private developer introduced Snapcrap, which allows residents to upload a photo of an offending specimen directly to the SF311 website.

But Love is Love!

This week, the gay news site Pink News posted and then deleted a fawning profile of a gay couple with a troubling age gap. The article reported that the younger man, Kayleb, is 22 years old while the older man, Mark, is 55. This is creepy enough, but it gets much worse: the two have been "dating" for six years. Kayleb claims he was 17 when he met Mark, but the math would seem to put him at 16. Either way, it's repulsive and wrong.

Somehow, it gets still worse. Mark was apparently Kayleb's "first boyfriend," and they originally had a "sugar daddy arrangement." Translation: A 49-year-old man was paying a high school boy for sex. And this is something that a prominent, widely-read LGBT site thought we should join them in applauding.

The Last of the Ayn Rand Acolytes

All the kids these days are becoming socialists and communists. Only 45 percent of young Americans view capitalism positively, compared with 51 percent who profess a fondness for socialism. They want higher taxes, regulations, a Green New Deal. Their thousand-page tome of choice isn't Atlas Shrugged; it's Marx's Capital (or perhaps Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century).