Joe Biden Says 'Poor Kids' Are Just as Bright as 'White Kids'
"Rest assured," Biden said. "I like all races, even the bad ones."
Aides threw up their hands in exasperation.
"What? What'd I say?"
Media immediately jumped all over Biden's comments, responding to his horrifying gaffe by calling on President Trump to resign.
Discriminatory/Nondiscriminatory . . . Male/Female . . . "The feds use Title IX to investigate Connecticut athletics for letting boys compete in girls' sports"
Racist/Nonracist . . . White/Black . . . "Trump Supporters Clean Up West Baltimore And The Liberal Media Are Irritated"
Diocese approves miracle: Vietnam vet Vincent Capodanno interceded for MS victim
Republicans Excited To Have Supreme Court Majority Like They Had When 'Roe V. Wade' Decided
Pentecostal Teen Finally Receives Gift Of Faking Tongues
I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarantino's movies. At the heart of a lot of them is a moral vision; the characters are compelled, under extreme duress, to make a moral choice. His latest film, “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” struck me the same way. It's a rather extraordinary showing of a morally upright person at work in the world.
Baker Mayfield Told To Stop Signing Autographs, But Refuses When He Spots U.S. Soldiers