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Midweek Rambling

The New York Times opens up a promising op-ed feature: religious philosophy wars. It runs a wholly one-sided op-ed that ridicules the idea of a God that philosophy can reason to. I assume the Grey Hag will give equal time to a learned response from a Catholic philosopher, which will then spur more debate/discussion. It's a good thing.

Of course, if it doesn't give equal time to a qualified Catholic philosopher, the op-ed is an outrage.

What We Do in the Shadows is a hilarious movie from 2014. It is now a TV series. I'm gonna check it out. First episode is tonight at 10:00.

Slow blogging winds blowing ahead.

Jack the Ripper continues to fascinate . . . and now they think they got him. They think it's a 23-year-old Pole. Link.

The Green New Deal didn't get a single vote of support in the Senate. Link. Funny aside: Trump apparently told one senator, “make sure you don't kill it too much because I want to run against it” in 2020.
