Miscellaneous Rambling
A long week nears its end. I've been covering for a partner at the office and my domestic partner (Marie) at home. Marie returns shortly from Colorado, where she is getting my daughter, Abbie, situated in Denver to take graduate classes in theology at The Augustine Institute.
BTW: I don't know why these random links keep showing up. In the above paragraph, "office" and "home" are highlighted. I don't know why. I'll start bolding the links I insert. If they're not bolded, they're not mine. Thanks for your patience.
Best quote this week: "Mass immigration offers the Democrats good reason to hope to overwhelm their foes in the long run. But merely listing the Democrats' constituent interest groups points out the main problem with their master plan: Their various fringes can't stand one another." Steve Sailer.
Random Blurb from the Notebooks: During a walk, Ludwig van Beethoven explained to Johann Goethe that the artist is a great man who deserves reverence. To illustrate his point and to Goethe's flabbergasted astonishment, Beethoven crossed his arms and rudely walked through a group of nobility. Beethoven's impolite walk through the nobility mirrored his walk through life: Seeing himself as one of the greatest artists, he thought he deserved deep reverence, which made him think he stood above the conventional kindness and politeness of everyday life. It's not surprising that he was an extremely difficult person: He tyrannized his family to the point of pushing one member to attempt suicide; many doctors refused him as a patient; he abused servants so fearsomely that few would work for him; no woman would marry him. He led much of his life as a lonely artistic genius, a genius that has been called the first modern artist because he gave birth to the modern notion that the great artist must be irritable and self-obsessed.