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Miscellaneous Rambling

Halfway through January. We're getting there. My gardening finger is getting itchy. If yours is too and you're looking to start seeds indoors, check out products by Bootstrap Farmer. They're a little more expensive, but far better than anything else on the market that I've seen. I provide a few product ad links below (all of which I've purchased and can vouch for).


Speaking of gardener, this organic weed killer is making the Facebook rounds these days: One gallon vinegar, two cups of Epsom salt, 1/4 cup of Dawn dish soap (original; blue). I'm going to try it, but I'm skeptical. I've used vinegar-based weed killer and it's the same story every time: For broadleaf weeds, it's alright (I give it a "5.5" on a scale of 1-10). For grasses (which are my main problem), it sucks (zero on scale of 1-10).


A regular TDE reader and fellow-Cedar Point fan got a book about CP for Christmas. He passes along that I was apparently inches from getting a Cedar Point outpost in my backyard. Back in the 1970s, they tried to put an amusement park in Battle Creek and in the Irish Hills, both locations about one hour from me. The Irish Hills project failed due to public protests and zoning barriers. I'm not sure why the Battle Creek attempt failed.


Random Blurb from the Notebooks: In the second volume of lectures published posthumously as Redeeming the Time, Russell Kirk celebrates the workings of the moral imagination (the power of ethical perception) and contrasts it with the idyllic imagination (the fanciful imagination of people like Rousseau) and the diabolic imagination (the imagination which delights in the perverse and subhuman).
