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More Miscellaneous Rambling


Kinder and gentler ink: "With's right-to-be-forgotten experiment, we are removing names from dated stories about minor crimes and other embarrassing news." Link. It's great to hear that I'll get my Elvis-obsessed indiscretion at the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame out of the newspapers.


Interesting: 30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet. The piece was almost entitled, "Nazis Brainwash 30 Otherwise-Clear Thinking Saints," but the website snatched the piece from the jaws of the New York Times editorial board just in time.


The first yooper saint? Irving “Francis” Houle was a Michigan father of five known for his holy life. He appeared to bear the stigmata. His widow says it would be deserved and she believes he's a saint. I gotta believe Marie would be saying the same thing if this were me. Well, except for the drunken, brooding, ribald sense of humor parts of me.

Michigan is on a roll, btw. First Solanus Casey two years ago, now this.

If you've never been the upper peninsula, consider a trip. It's absolutely gorgeous. I gotta believe it is the most beautiful region east of the Mississippi, with potential competition from parts of Maine and Glacier Park in Minnesota. Be forewarned, however: the black flies can be terrible.
