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Brews You Can Use

It was a bad Christmas for my liver. From December 22nd through December 31st, I'm guessing I went through over a fifth of gin and a little bit of beer. And now I'm threatening my liver with more punishment: I got all these bottles of gin for Christmas. I'm pretty stoked.

Fortunately for my liver, I need to shed ten pounds fast (twenty pounds eventually) so I can fit into my pants again. I've sworn off all alcohol until I lose five pounds, at which time I'll allow myself limited amounts of red wine. But no hard liquor until I lose ten pounds.

Kingsley Amis once observed that "strong drink does, more than anything else taken by mouth, apart from stuff like cement, cram on the poundage."

This looks like a pretty decent list: From Brideshead to Bond: top 10 books on booze. I have three of the books, one of which I read and enjoyed immensely (Brideshead Revisited), one of which I dip into occasionally with enjoyment (Amis' Everyday Drinking), and one of which I suspect I read when I went on a James Bond kick in college (Casino Royale).

Sign me up . . . after I lose ten pounds: Pedialyte Is Embracing Its Reputation as a Hangover Treatment With a Sparkling Drink for Adults.
