Miscellaneous Rambling
Ridiculous: 63 percent of 'non-citizens' on welfare, 4.6 million households. If we're going to make our country open to immigrants, it's axiomatic that they cannot receive welfare. If they're going to receive welfare, we cannot open our country to immigrants. A casino might as well provide free drinks to everyone, not just those who are spending money at their tables.
And so it begins in earnest: Big tobacco replaces its revenues with cannabis: Marlboro maker prepares to jump big time into marijuana with a takeover bid.
Random Blurb from the Notebooks:Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes: Cleared the way for experimental knowledge. After Ockham, people distrusted logic, the ability to abstract truths from a little material experience. They instead wanted a lot of experience, experience which they could then study and then derive truths from the experiences. This led to empirical science and the mysticism movements of the 14th century.