Brews You Can Use
I made my annual trip to Trader Joe's last weekend to buy "unique" products for client baskets and office presents. I saw for the first time wine in a can: Simpler Wines. I haven't tried any yet, but the packaging made me thirsty.
I guess the market for the innovation has exploded. From a December 2017 article:
Wine in cans still represents only a few percentage points of the market, but sales have exploded in the past few years, from about $2 million in sales in 2012 to nearly $15 million in 2016, according to Business Insider magazine. Last summer, Trader Joe's offered an inexpensive canned bubbly called Simpler Wines, which sold out as fast as they could restock the shelves.
Yikes, I like tonic drinks but I think this takes it a bit too far: the tequila and tonic.
'T&Ts are G&Ts for the cool kids,' said Ben Alcock of Her Majesty's Secret Service and Filthy Thirteen. 'It's very in fashion at the moment, even if it doesn't have the pull of gin just yet. Now and again we get groups ordering them, and then they seem to fly out, but it seems to need an introduction. I think the Fever-Tree and Patrón pairing is going to do wonders for tequila in general, opening it up to new drinkers who may have been a little intimidated by tequila before ”“ and having a shiny new tonic for people to try is awesome.'