

Midweek Rambling



The business conference I attended two weeks ago said the entire Internet is going video: no one reads any more or, if they do, they won't be shortly. In order to get your content noticed, it must be on video. So, with dread, I bought video-editing software last Sunday and started working on cobbling together something, video-wise, for The Weekly Eudemon. There's a learning curve, to be sure. My first effort is pasted below or you can click this link. It's awful, but if you really like something, anything, visual when you listen to a presentation, there's stuff there. I fully expect to get better at this as time goes on. We'll see.


I'm really digging my Spotify subscription. Yesterday, I found an entire playlist devoted to Bossa Nova Christmas music. It's some of the mellowest holiday music you'll find without being borderline morbid. It relaxes me as fast as a stiff vodka tonic.


Thaddeus Russell makes an interesting argument in this podcast. He argues that Google, Facebook, and Twitter have become, through subsidies funded by taxpayers, huge propaganda arms of the federal government and, therefore, shouldn't be exempt from First Amendment restrictions. I don't know if he's right, but I suspect he's onto something. The legal test, btw, is a thing called "state actor." Is the organization or person in question, in effect, a "state actor."