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Podcast Update

Well, I've done it: I've started a "real" podcast, one in which I control the feed, can host show notes, etc. It took a large chunk of my day on Sunday, but the basic site is up and running. You can check it out at

Note: This new site will not replace TDE. The new site is for the podcast only, though I will probably start posting to both sites. I'm not sure at this point.

One thing, however, is certain: I will be phasing out the Anchor podcast feed. Probably in a month or two. So if you subscribed to The Weekly Eudemon through the Anchor feed, you should switch to the new feed. You can tell the difference because the new feed has only three episodes (to the new feed, I'm adding only episodes that have the improved format . . . music, etc.).

Thank you for your continued support.


This parallels anecdotal evidence I've been hearing: Independents disapprove of Democrats' handling of the Brett Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin. Man, the Democrats had November in the proverbial bag. It'd be funny if this circus revealed their extremism to the independent crowd and cost them the House this year.


I don't know if I'm amused or a bit disgusted: Brett Kavanaugh just hired the Supreme Court's first all-women law clerk team. The left probably just figures he considers it a harem.
