Miscellaneous Rambling
Welcome to Saint Week, which is the introduction to Saint Month. Today, everyone's favorite saint: St. Therese Lisieux. Thursday, everyone's other favorite saint: St. Francis of Assisi. Other notables this week: Bruno, Thomas the Apostle, and your Guardian Angel. On Wednesday, our Eastern brethren recognize Dionysius the Areopagite, which perhaps makes it the feast day of the Pseudo-Dionysius, whose mystical works have long edified?
The LA Times says Kavanaugh's angry testimony could undercut his claims to be an impartial jurist. Well, yeah, the Left has no doubt greatly angered him. He was, from a conservative standpoint, my fourth choice among the potential nominees. I think he would've just been a continuation of his mentor, Justice Kennedy, who was highly liberal on many issues. I'm not so sure now. Kavanaugh is angry, and I don't blame him. These are the folks he wants to throw his lot in with occasionally, like his frustrating mentor? I have my doubts.
The Democrats' quotes in that article, incidentally, are just jaw-dropping disingenuous. The gist of them are, "Testy, testy, aren't we? Boy, you're really getting angry. Ms. Ford didn't get angry." I can only shake my head at such bad faith public discourse. It would be like a teenage bullied boy lashing out savagely at his tormenter after a long period of torment, and the bully saying, "Boy, someone's really got his noise out of joint. Tsk, tsk."
The new podcast is up. Click here to find September 30, 2018 episode. I'm still working on audio quality. Unfortunately, the longest segment is poisoned with a lot of breathing noise. I'm not sure why I wasn't able to filter that out. I'll keep working on it.
I use free music for The Weekly Eudemon podcast. I'm currently using music by Scott Holmes and Blue Wave Theory, as well as a sound effect you can find here. According to this license, I'm supposed to give attribution and provide a link to the license arrangement. I can't provide a link for a podcast, but since this page serves as the podcast's show notes page, I'm posting it here. All of it, you can assume, is copyrighted. U.S. law provides for automatic copyright, so everything, even this prose right here, is copyrighted.