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Modesty in Fashion?

We saw this at the Mommentary blog site. After years of twisting our necks while driving down the road or twisting our brains in resistance to the neck twisting, we'd love to see some modesty return to fashion. We're not going to drop out of our "Custody of the Eyes 101" correspondence course, but maybe this is a little sign that modesty is returning. It's just a children's clothes catalogue, but it beats the trash we've been seeing for children. Maybe it'll spread to the older females.

"The Lands End children's catalogue arrived yesterday, with some interesting offerings. In addition to all the various one- and two-piece bathing suits for girls, they now carry a greater range of surf shorts, coverups, and what they call rash-guard shirts. These are carefully described in terms of popularity and sun-safety rather than modesty, which is probably wise. You can get a girl to wear a decent suit if it's bright and pretty and you call it a surfer style, but she won't blow her nose on it if it comes adorned with the Taliban Seal of Approval for Modesty. This certainly seems to me an appealing alternative, not to hot-mama bikini styles, which are entirely out of the question, but to the very depressing garments that are available on sites like this one, and which resemble nothing so much as my parochial-school uniform done up in ballistic nylon. Another site I've found that seems to have the balance right is Ohana Swimwear. I'm happy to see a middle range appearing between flaming indecency and the parachute-cloth burqa."
