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This'll be an abbreviated edition. The practice of law has been brutal this week. I'm blogging this from my law office, after getting here at 6:30 this morning.

On top of the law office, I'm the dug-out coach for my boys' (first and third grade) little league team. They have eighteen (yes, 18!) games this year, over the course of about six weeks. Because there's a break for Memorial Day, and they make-up rain outs (don't know why; the league doesn't keep standings), it means we have three or four games a week. It's a pretty good schedule . . . if sports are your entire life. This is the seventh year that I've been in the dug-out, and it seems to me that we typically have two games a week, about twelve total. I don't know what happened this year, but it's probably the same old story: baseball zealots run the league, hence the increased number of games.

All that being said, the zealots do an amazing job: the games start on time, the equipment is there, the fields are maintained well, the teams are reasonably well-balanced, the concession stand is stocked. It's a thankless job. Moreover, because I'm not volunteering to help (outside my role as dug-out coach), I'm in no position to complain.

And besides: my boys are having a great time. If I can't make a few games, they'll still enjoy themselves. That's all that matters.

Blogging will be light today. Hopefully, things will loosen up early next week. If not, I'll see you in the cardiac ward.
