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Well, those Nuun hydration tablets seem to be doing the trick. I'm feeling almost normal. Of course, it might be the temperate weather we've been having, but regardless, I'll take it. I think I'm even going to fire up the gin and tonic tonight.

A loyal TDE reader sends along this most-righteous vintage poster. You can buy it for $350 here.

It reminds me on ongoing disagreement between Marie and me: Is it appropriate to drink while working at the produce site? I say "yes," she says "no." Her point is, it's hard work: lots of hauling, walking, lifting. My point is, it's hard work: lots of hauling, walking, lifting. So you can see how we're not coming to an agreement. I'm inclined to have a few at the site tonight while I continue my Eden efforts. We'll see.

Eden efforts? Yes. I'm going nuclear at the site: I'm trying to bury the entire thing under six inches of wood chips (or, to the extent it's available, a layer of corrugated and three inches of wood chips). I have the entire perimeter chipped-off, which should greatly reduce invasive grass from penetrating into the site, but now I hope to convert the entire operation to the Back to Eden gardening method. I did it with my side yard five years ago and it worked really well.

Right now, I have about 20% of the operation buried in wood chips, with enough inventory on hand to bury another 5%. Even if I can't get the entire operation submerged, the 25% should help immensely later next year (the chips will probably need at least a year to decompose enough). If you aren't acquainted with the Back to Eden gardening method, I recommend the video. It's too lengthy, and the Biblical references are stretched, but overall, my experience tells me the method works very well.
