The secularists are twittering with Jon Stewart's overwhelming victory over Bill Bennett in a "debate" regarding gay marriage. See, for example ("Steward [sic] made mincemeat of out neanderthal pundit Bill Bennett"). I decided to download the clip and see how bad it was.
I'm flummoxed. Stewart didn't make mincemeat out of him. Stewart didn't even "win." It was a discussion. The secularists in the audience whooped it up for Stewart on his home field, but other than that, I simply don't see the "victory" (though the "gay ceiling" comment was funny and will probably become a rallying cry in the Bay area).
If you don't understand the gay marriage debate, you might think Stewart was scoring major points, but his points have been addressed ad nauseum. They're nothing new. Stewart is a clever guy who plays to the camera well (better than Bennett), but this was no trouncing.