They caught the bikini strangler and released his details. You'd expect more from a rehabbed sex offender with tattoos on his neck. (Oh wait. They didn't say he was a "rehabbed" offender. But he must've been, right, or he wouldn't have been loose? But if he had been rehabbed, why'd he do this?)
One of my favorite anecdotes is an agnostic/atheist college professor, asking one of his Catholic students if he really believes the Eucharist contains the body and blood of God incarnate. The student said, "Yes." The professor asked how often he went to Mass. The student said "every week." The professor said, "If I believed that, I'd be crawling to Mass every day."
I remembered that story when asked about the growing number of parents in my community who take their kids out of Catholic schools. If a child is in Catholic school, he goes to Mass once, twice, three times a week, on top of the Sunday Mass obligation. Do parents who opt for the public schools really believe in the Eucharist? I have a hard time believing it (unless they're taking their children to weekday Masses on their own).
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I'm told that Michigan has a 93% seat belt compliance rate (meaning, I assume, that 93% of people riding in the front seat are wearing a seat belt). But that's not good enough. We must get to 95%, or else we fall short of some sort of federal mandate. Ninety-three percent isn't good enough? Criminy. I don't even have 93% compliance rate with the rules I set for myself. I agree that people should use their seat belts, but like so many other things (e.g., curtailing cigarette smoking), the zealots have taken a good thing and distorted it beyond all reasonable proportion.