A Romanian man has handed over his wife to a creditor as payment for his debts.
The story says that the woman now lives with the creditor and enjoys it. I'm guessing the woman went voluntarily or, if not, she agrees with it now. Does that make it acceptable? After all, if she agreed, that means you have three consenting adults, not just the secularist requirement of two (if it occurs between two consenting adults, the law shouldn't interfere). This arrangement could open up all kinds of financing possibilities, though a handful of issues would have to be addressed:
How does the Thirteenth Amendment play in?
Do attractive wives hold more equity than plain wives?
Can women mortgage their husbands?
Would 20-minute mortgages (as opposed to 15- or 30-year mortgages) be deemed a type of prostitution?
If you sleep with the liened property too often, could it be deemed a type of usury?