
*Strange gardening story: 150-year-old tomato seeds found in old outhouse (they passed through Abe Lincoln contemporaries' digestive tracks). They still germinate. This picture supposedly shows the difference between those tomatoes and tomatoes grown today. I'm not sure the picture is legitimate, but very interesting if it is.
*Mildly interesting piece: Why we hate using email but love sending texts. I especially liked this observation: "Students identify email as formal, and a way of communicating that recognises status and seniority." I remember scolding one of my kids years ago, after learning they had tried to contact someone important by text. I said, "Adults use email. Contact him like an adult." It felt odd saying it, but it's true.
*Interesting factoids from that article: "The first text message (“Merry Christmas”) was sent way back in 1992 in the UK. Text messaging spread as mobile phones became more popular in places like Japan, creeping into places like the US sometime later, but by the late 2000s, it was everywhere. By 2012, it's estimated that 14.7 trillion messages were sent from mobile phones worldwide. That number grew to 28.2 trillion in 2017."
*Feast Day of Saint Teresa Benedicta Of The Cross: Edith Stein. More on her later.